Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Bagai mana mengechek compiz

download script berikut

wget http://blogage.de/files/9124/download -O compiz-check

chmod +x

jalankan script

contoh output

budhi@budhi-laptop:~/script$ ./compiz-check

Gathering information about your system...

Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04
Desktop environment: GNOME
Graphics chip: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)
Driver in use: intel
Rendering method: AIGLX

Checking if it's possible to run Compiz on your system...

Checking for texture_from_pixmap... [ OK ]
Checking for non power of two support... [ OK ]
Checking for composite extension... [ OK ]
Checking for FBConfig... [ OK ]
Checking for hardware/setup problems... [ OK ]

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